Beauty of Aging

I have been thinking about aging today. In times of all plastic surgery and the desperate attempt to stay forever young, it is really wise to find the deeper truth. And realize that life is a journey, a process of change both outside and within.

The change within from ego to spirit, transforms some to be at their most beautiful when they’re bodily wrinkled and worn. To truly embrace aging, must be a profound truth.

Very often the ego fears its change of position so much, that some are not set free before they die, I guess. To contemplate and see this on this side of forever is what truly frees us while still alive and able to live our lives to the fullest.

I wonder if this is just up to people themselves to see, if they ever will see it, or whether some should sow seeds and point people in the “right” direction? I guess there are differences between teaching, preaching, guiding, counseling and showing?

I have been thinking that maybe having a voice in this world often means not words or speaking, but rather a “voice” of (spiritual) practices, walking, showing and all this that truly embodies Life from its beautiful, and even “dark” center within ourselves.

I just wished more people would or could see this reality, and be set free from illusion, so we could be ignited and united now, in a quenching of the loneliness that still grabs me/us at times living in these bodily forms and temples. Bless!

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